Saturday, January 4, 2014

Two Pretty Great Weeks.

Well, we just had a pretty fantastic two weeks!  It sure was a lot more full than most with several ups and downs including some pretty fantastic meltdowns (and a couple of my own! But hey, I'm just about to pop so I'm blaming pregnancy hormones). 

I think, in total, we had about fifteen friends and family members roll through our house over the past two weeks--some for the day and others for a night or so and up to two weeks.  Now, that might seem insane to be "hosting" that many people over Christmas with a baby on the way, but I have zero regrets!!  And the way I see it, we weren't "hosting" anyone.  They took care of everything, so it was a real joy to have the house bustling!  After all, it meant 15 friends for Gabriel to entertain and he was stoked to be the centre of attention for two weeks.  He kept us all giggling as he posed as lead guitarist of the family band, photographer extraordinaire, and meal time comedy conductor.

The holiday started out with a pretty wicked ice storm that left over 200,000 without power in the city.  Fortunately, we weren't part of that count.  But I know it was a pretty rough almost two week holiday for those without!  UGH!

We had "PIZZA NIGHT" in our house which is becoming quite a regular thing.  I have to infinitely thank my friend, Marta for her recipe that has changed my pizza life!  I'll write another post on that another day and maybe even share the recipe!  Thanks for renewing the tradition for us, Marta!

 We had our good friends over for New Year's Day--it was a wild time!!  Piano serenades, dance party in the kitchen, hockey outside, big, big dinner, bum-races down the stairs, wrestling all over the house.  Phew!  What a day!  And it was enormously fun!
All cuddled up with "Nana," her new name.
 And "Bumpa."   I guess they sometimes choose their own names for grandparents.
 Uncle Harry and Aunt Amy stopped in!  Aka Mr. and Mrs. Claus, bearing gifts for a nation.  :)

Thank you family for making our holiday so joyful and spoiling us--for cooking and cleaning and folding laundry and decorating and baby-sitting and dog walking and all the other myriad things you did.  It did not go unnoticed or unappreciated!  You were gracious, generous and kind and we are feeling pretty blessed to have such wonderful family and friends in our lives.

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