Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Bowling with the Nana & Bumpa.

Ok, so it's been pretty cold here in Toronto, and with a newborn, it's just been hard getting outside to play.  While my parents were here this past week, we decided to try some new activities that were still "out" of the house but inside and so we took Gabriel out bowling at an old Bowlerama on Dundas Street West.

This place reminded me of a bigger version of an old bowling alley we used to frequent with the family on Friday nights as kids.  It has that same feeling that comes from a big windowless room, the echo of clattering pins and rolling balls.  The same smell of old carpet and greasy food.  Jordan and I went back as adults at Christmas one year and ran into old friends from high school.  I guess it had the same nostalgic feeling for them too.

The upstairs was filled with tons of seniors playing for the senior league but the basement was empty and we had it all to ourselves.  One of Gabriel's favorite things was putting on those old brown bowling shoes.  He thought they were pretty neat and ran around in his extra big shoes (they didn't really fit) being a total show off.

Ok, so bowling with a toddler is a little bit nuts.  Toddlers don't really get the concept of a ball you can't throw.  We tried teaching him to roll between his legs.  But he kept seeing Bumpa throw that ball with such speed and style that he wanted to do it too.  Needless to say there are likely a few extra dents in that floor. :S  And I am pretty sure that Gabriel rolled at least half of the balls or more.  We are chalking this one up to 'exposure' to something new.

Watching his bowl slowly, slowly roll down the aisle.

The clerk came over with a neat contraption for toddlers to try out.  That was a novelty for awhile.

One of Magdalene's first outings.  Ha.

It was fun to get out and try something new with Gabriel after spending nearly every day for two weeks at home.  I actually got to throw a couple of balls, but mostly sat back with Magdalene and watched, redirected and laughed. But it's something that I can see us doing as a family on winter Friday nights when the kids get older, just like we did when I was a kid.

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