Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Gift for Baby Girl.

Does Gabriel understand that he has a baby sister coming?  I don't know.  I mean, really, who knows what goes on in that beautiful blonde head of his.  What we do know is that Gabriel is smart.  He makes connections at only two years old, that blow our minds.  I mean, he's two so maybe he hasn't made all of the exact parallels in his brain between 'babies' and 'our baby' that will be a permanent member of the family and I'm pretty sure that he doesn't know how his life is going to change, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.  He knows something is up and it has to do with that big bump on the front of mama that we always call "baby girl."

Yesterday, as another part of our "pre-baby bucket list" we thought it might be a good preparatory idea to have Gabriel pick out a few of his old toys from when he was a baby to give to baby girl.  (After all, baby girl also got a gift for him).  And I like the idea of him learning to give.  He's going to spend a lifetime doing it, and being generous is such an admirable quality.  I made a few suggestions, explaining what babies like and don't like.  (He may have tried to give her some 'big kid' toys).  After a good washing, we found a box to put them in.  I told them that they were for baby girl.  And while I was gathering up some supplies to wrap them up as a gift, I returned to find his baby doll, Emily nestled in the box meant for the toys.  Connection made?  I'm not quite sure....  What do you think?

Anyway, we took out poor baby Emily and filled the box with the clean toys and some pretty tissue paper.  We wrapped up the gifts--admittedly, I did the wrapping and Gabriel "helped" by unraveling almost the entire roll of tape and then making necklaces with it before sticking it on the side of the box in various arbitrary places.  We then took the gifts upstairs to her crib to await her arrival at which point Gabriel tried to open them.  (Unwrapping gifts was very exciting this year for Gabriel.  I think he 'got it').  Oh toddlers!

We then spent a lengthy amount of time in her room talking about the baby, to the baby, comparing belly buttons and looking into her bassinet.  We've got books for him to read about babies and we've tried preparing him in all the ways we know how.  So now, we just play the waiting game.

Come on Baby Girl!  Your brother is so ready to be a big brother.  And is so excited to meet you!      

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