Thursday, October 25, 2012

Gabriel around the house lately

You know when you are expecting something to be really cool and then when it happens you are blown away?  That's how it is with Gabriel.  And I am sure with every mother.  Watching him grow has been very entertaining and incredible to watch.  Especially as his hits the stages with such non-chalance.  It's almost as if he's been practicing all night in his crib so by the time he does it for us, it's not big deal to him anymore.  "What you guys?  I've been doing laps and pull ups in my crib all night, so what?"
We've been laughing at all that Gabriel has been getting into.  Since learning how to "crawl" we finally see what it is that he has really been wanting to touch, taste, see, feel.  Favorites are manipulating books, opening and closing them and pointing to pictures of the doggy and various other animals.  He loves to crawl into the kitchen where he practices opening and closing cupboard doors before pulling all the recycling out all over the floor.  He loves to try to climb into the fridge and can now pull himself using the stairs or the couch, particularly in hot pursuit of my iphone or laptop.  But his all time favorites are "petting" (aka, grabby, claw-pulling) the dog's fur and playing with the wheels of the stroller--back and forth, back and forth.  I used to try to stop him, but he gets so much enjoyments out of the wheels.  So long as he doesn't suck on them, I figure, what's the harm?  And we always wash his hands after.  Some other favorites, when I am not looking, are getting into the dog dish.  I wish I could put it up but until Abe grows opposable thumbs and get walk on his hind legs, I will live a life of servitude.
Jordan has been working night shifts (for an undisclosed amount of time) so Gabriel and I are trying to keep quiet and tip-toe around the house so Jordan can get some sleep.  Generally, we just try to get out with Abe.  But Abe really just wants nothing more than to lay upstairs beside the bed where Jordan sleeps and where it is nice and quiet away from Mr. Grabby-fingers.  We have, however, been enjoying afternoon daylight time together so we can actually get out of the house and go for long walks in the glorious sunshine! 
We stopped off at the library last week after story time and "maxed out" my temporary library card getting two books.  It seems to be the best way to add some variety so I don't drive herself bonkers reading "It's springtime."  Gabriel is very much into books right now.  They are one of his favorite toys.  He finally discovered how to turn pages and that some of the pictures actually move. Unfortunately, it's meant he's torn out the cricket, a dog and the cellar door out of "It's springtime."  You should see him when we read the touchy "Touch and Feel Farm."  He's gets so excited as we pass the chick and the horse in anticipation of "tickle the dog's furry tummy."  Yes, I am starting to memorize all of Gabriel's books.  Fortunately, the library books have helped and amazingly it took Gabriel all week to learn that the toilet seat, cupboard door, washer door and clothing in the laundry basket flip up, down or sideways in the book "Help Maisy Find Panda."  Just in time to give it back.
And we've been having fun exploring Gabriel's taste palatte.  Just bought a fabulous cookbook,  "Weeknights with Giada" which I have to say that I HIGHLY recommend.  (Everything I have made in this book is AMAZING!)  Turkey and pancetta Pot Pie, Spiced pork chops with sweet and sour glaze, filet mignon with rosemary and mushroom gravy, double chocolate and espresso cookies.  I am in food heaven with this book!  (And Jordan and Gabriel are the immediate recipients of this revel in food glory!)  Gabriel has been eating such things as filet mignon, pork chops, tortellini, prosciutto and cheddar crepes (just a taste).  He is already developing a good sense of taste and if something doesn't taste good, he's usually right. Anyway, I have just about cooked my way through Giada's cookbook and looking for other really good recommendations....  Does anyone else have a cookbook that they just can't live without.

PS.  I think I've corrected any problems with posting comments.  You should be able to comment now sans problem!  Merci!

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