Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fall Beauty

Fall in Arlington means...
 Gorgeous fall colours
 The crackle of paws on leaves
 Walks in the water of the Potomac River
 A night-shift-induced afternoon excursion
 Exploring new dog friendly trails at Glencarlyn Park
 The blissful excitement of stomping in the leaves
 While wearing t-shirts in the warm Virginian sunshine
And occasionally a warm cozy sweater and warm sweet potato rosemary mascarpone soup, compliments of Giada.  Followed by her Chocolate Hazelnut drop cookies. (Sorry no picture, but both were delicious!)

Happy Fall! 


Ps. How's Squamish?  I miss you!


  1. I loooove his little teeth! he's is sooooo cute, he makes my heart ache

    1. I cannot believe he has FOUR of them! And the top two are just the cutest and are so rarely seen.
