Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fall Festival & Juggling Pumpkins

In festive spirit, with Hurricane Sandy riding our tail-feathers and thus the eminent end of our glorious fall colours, we loaded up in the car and ventured off to the Burke Nursery and Garden Centre Fall Festival.  They had grounds filled with many play structures and activities things for kids--slides, swings, tubes to crawl through and roll in, pony rides, scary ride tour, picnicking area, face-paint, petting zoo, mechanical and spring-loaded horses and loads of hay.  Really, it doesn't matter what age you are--it is pretty fantastic.

Gabriel got to try out a lot of firsts (petting a pony, riding a spring-loaded horse, get his face painted) and meet many animals he has only met in storybooks so far (horses, roosters, hogs, goats).  

And at the very end, Gabriel got to choose his very own first pumpkin!  While we got a fairly big pumpkin of our own.  Four more days until Halloween to carve up that pumpkin.  Gabriel is just about ready to debut his Halloween costume. 

Looking for other fun things for infant/toddlers Gabriel's age.   Please share!!


  1. Sweet colorful warm sharings. Thank you Stephanie

    1. Hi Stephanie!!! Miss you guys! Let's chat soon. What fun fall things are you guys up to?? Do you have a costume for Noah?
