Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hasta la vista, Cold & Flu Season!

This has got to have been the longest, hardest, most intense flu season we have ever had.  And, yes, we have young children, but I mean, come on!  It seemed like every time someone came to visit, we thanked them with the gift of being sick.  I think at one point, we had three grandparents taking antibiotics at the same time!

My daughter had a cold so long, I was beginning to wonder if it was just pervasive allergies.  Her nose was running like a slimy icky river of goo for months on end and near the end her chest was so rattly, I had to finally take her to get looked at and have a chest xray done.  You know those infant ones where you have to clamp them into this huge plastic clamp with their arms squeezed over their head.  Honestly, how can a parent not be traumatized by watching them do this?

Even my husband, who has taken all of one sick day of his entire 10+ years in his engineering career, didn't escape.  He was so intensely sick for two days, he threw his back out from all the heaving.  And my husband doesn't get the seemingly frequent "man-cold."  This was for real.  He barely moved from his bed for a WEEK.  And by barely, I mean he took 52 steps in an entire day--to the bathroom and back to bed.

Man, it's been a doozy.  And it's nearly May.  It's the time of year you want to sit out in the garden and soak in the sunshine.  And yet, we've been hit with another flu!!  Poor Gabriel was knocked flat off his feet with a high temp and slept all day and all night whenever he wasn't awake being sick.  Which, if you know him, is nothing short of amazing.  He napped on the sofa with the vacuum going, he fell asleep outside in the sunshine...  I felt terrible for him.

I just have to say that I was so glad it was so nice and sunny and we could at least sit outside and play and read whilst being stuck at home.     

Not sure if it's been living in big metropolis like Toronto surrounded by so many people and their wonderful germs covering every surface--door handles, taps, countertops, railings... or nursery school or taking the subway to work, or two toddlers who touch strange things and then put their hands in their mouths seconds later despite your frantic and panicky pleas to "don't touch that!!!!!!!  No, no, no.... don't put your hands in your mouth!!!!!" Sigh.  A loud and audible sigh.  But whatever it was it was not a winter/cold&flu season I ever want to repeat...

So, Flu Season, we are SOOO over you!  You can leave now.  And don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Anyway, here are a few pictures from our day stuck at home in the beautiful sunshine. And if anyone, with small children, has managed to stay healthy this winter, please share your secrets!

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