Saturday, May 11, 2013

Where the Mountains drop into the Ocean.

Yesterday, we made it down to one of our favorite walking spots, just south of downtown Squamish.  This week has just been one of those weeks when I have my PJs on my 8:00 and hope that I can at least get to bed by 9:00.  I think moving and settling and teething, and night-waking and pseudo-single mama-ing finally got to me.  I'm zonked.  So on days like today, at the end of weeks like we've had, the best thing is to just go for a long walk, admire the beauty and regroup.

Abe immediately took off for the ocean and Gabriel was in hot pursuit.  He's like a sea turtle--you can spin him around in the middle of dry land and he will always head towards water.  Maybe more like a diviner!  I am trying to teach him more caution, otherwise he'd head right in without a thought and so we played in the sand and he learned to throw rocks from the edges of the water into the ocean.  Good thing we got him a pair of baby Saltwaters.  They'll come in handy this year.

Nexen Beach is one of our favorites because we can just let our dog go and he takes off running all over the shores and into alcoves exploring and making new friends.  You should see his happy tail wag.  And we can just bumble along with the stroller with Abe zipping back and forth checking in.  Sometimes when it's torrential rain blowing sideways, our little family would bundle up anyway and head down there where the wind is even stronger howling in off the ocean and you feel like you are just off the rugged coast of Newfoundland.  It's a little harsh and it makes us feel brave.  But that's just Squamish in the winter.  You can't stay inside and watch a movie, or you'd do that every day and go crazy over the rain, so you just get out.

But in the summer, Nexen is cooler and windy, a bit of a reprieve on our hottest days and the mountain views are spectacular.  It's sort of mix of natural beauty of the rugged mountains and sheer drop off into the ocean juxaposed with the industrial--the logs, loaders, cargo ships, box cars, tracks, warehouses.  It a way, it's kind of artsy, I suppose. Beauty, inspiration.  A temporary solace.

Ps. This sheer-sided mountain face made of granite, that's "The Chief," Squamish's most notorious climb for the most beautiful view of the valley.  Maybe we'll climb in and you'll see.... 

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