Thursday, May 30, 2013

On May and the rain and having roomies!

Today was May, but tomorrow is June and I am breathing a sigh of relief.  There is something about flipping the proverbial calendar over to a new month, that sparks rejuvenation.  May has been a bit of a hard month.  Maybe you couldn't tell from the two week blog posting hiatus?  From moving and unpacking, to time change adapting (which took two weeks for our little man), to teething, to illness (on everyone's part), and various appointments (now that we have free healthcare again, Hallelujah!), to a broken laptop and day after day of rain and all without my husband around!  It's been a heck of a month getting our feet back on the ground.

But thank goodness for Jordan's brother, Harrison and his wife Amy, our new roomies who have provided endless amounts of free babysitting and a helping hand cooking meals, cleaning and walking the dog, as well as just being other adults that I can talk to, thus keep my sanity and sense of humour.  They bring such positive energy to this house.  Amy is seriously the Baby Whisperer.  Only she can get Gabriel in a fit of giggles as I leave the house.  I'd be lost without these two! They are a timely blessing for sure.

Despite the heaviness of the clouds that are covering the mountains these days and rain that doesn't seem to end....  There were definitely some beautiful moments in May which I do plan on sharing in the weeks to come.   For now here are some sweet pictures of Gabriel warming up to Harrison and his guitar which he is ONLY allowed to touch with supervised Harrison permission, despite being a die-heart fan.  Did I mention that these two came with a Jeep loaded with instruments.  Gabriel is in music heaven.  Maybe you can't tell from the really intense look on his face, but he is seriously having the time of his life.  He's got that look like, "I can't believe you actually let me touch it."  He just stares in awe of these two.

And Abe, well, he just inherited two new humans to scratch his head.  So he's in heaven too.

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