Since nursery school started in September, many of my mama friends now have a free hand. Which, to be sure, is great for getting errands done or working part-time, etc. But it also means, sadly, we haven't really gotten together as much as we have in the past. Or at least, that's how it seems! So we were really looking forward to all getting together for Halloween and then various upcoming events as we get closer to Christmas.
Today we went over to a friend's place for a little Halloween bash she was throwing. I say little, but... since we all of our families have been expanding, these playdates aren't really that little anymore. Nothing like having fifteen mothers with one or in some cases, two little ones to make a house suddenly crowded! But, I don't know if it just seems easier when we are altogether or if we are all just getting used to the chaos and (occasionally) semi-parenting each others' children.

There were lots of princesses to be seen, that is for sure!
I had planned a little caveman/dinosaur theme for our little family. But, you know toddlers. He wanted to go as an airplane. We didn't have an airplane costume, and fifteen minutes before the party is really too late to mention you don't want to be a dinosaur. We had a hand-me down costume, that I was sure was a "kitty-cat" which I managed to wiggle him into, only to find out later it was a zebra (???) I mean, ya, black and white stripes, but nothing else about that costume was a zebra.... So we went with a wild cat/caveman theme. You know, the Croods or something. And Maggie, she owned that pigtail like Pebbles!
The mamas really got into it too and came all decked out. You kind of have to when you have kids. They love it when we do! And I think we secretly love it too.
The decorations and food were terrific!! Christina, our mama friend, is so good at this--mummy wrapped hotdogs, apple-peanut butter marshmallow teeth. This is definitely not my forte.... Yesterday, I tried making white-chocolate dipped strawberry ghosts. They were scary alright... but not in a way I'd want to share with others. Kind of globby and patchy. Let's just say... I don't have a future career in any sort of pasty or confection profession.
The neighborhood mamas--Lucy and Victoria!!
Ok, this was a major feat. "Let's take a group shot of just the kids!!" Tears and bribes ensued.... BUT! Tip to all aspiring photographers, one I picked up from my friend Gill. You can actually get them to sit still and maybe even look a little happy if you sing them a song like say, the "Wheels on the Bus" or the "Alphabet song" or "If You're Happy and You Know it." Likely a good tip for Family photos too!
Happy Halloween tomorrow, everyone!! Hope it's full of all sorts of good-humoured silliness.
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