Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Heart Day!

 Happy Heart Day!

We had a pretty good Valentine's Day.... It started off a little shakey when Jordan and I, bleary-eyed from serious lack of sleep last night, hugged and said good-bye in the morning.  But the day perked up, friends came over for a little Valentine's day playdate party, my sister showed up and we sat down, all of us, for a beautiful dinner together in the evening.  And now, both kids are in bed and we are flopped on the sofa reflecting on the day.   We have to agree it was pretty good.

We had a little Valentine's Day playdate with some mama friends with littles that go to our church.  I have met some really wonderful women there and am so very glad to be connecting over our children.  So looking forward to more playdates with these kiddos.  They are so adorable.  I made some red velvet cupcakes and got some cookies from our favorite little bakery, Cordi's and our friends brought various things.  I got out my grandmother's old tea cups and sipped tea while our children ripped around the house, bouncing up and down creating their impromptu band.

 These two hit it off!  Pretty sure they are going to be really great friends as they get older.

 Seriously, very very good cookies.  And beautiful!

These kiddos made their own impromptu airband--Roman on the drums, Olivia the lead singer and Gabriel on guitar.  They were hilarious!!  So glad I got a video.

We made our valentine's cards this year and Gabriel made one for his dad and drew a picture of an airplane for him. 

My sister showed up for the weekend and we are delighted!  You might remember I wrote a little blog about her here. She just swooped Gabriel up in her arms, spoiled him with treats and has been playing with him nonstop.  She took him outside in his snowsuit with his new bike that we got him for his birthday.  And then they got out the rolls of wrapping paper (make-shift hockey sticks) to play a game of hockey in the livingroom.  Gabriel is really into skating and hockey these days--maybe some influence from watching the Olympics.  

I love this man so very much.   Thank you for coming home every day, not knowing what disaster you are walking into.  He must think "I've been working ALL day."  But he keeps on going--playing with Gabriel, cleaning up the mess from the day, reading stories, doing bathtime, walking the dog, grocery shopping, holding Madgalene so I can catch a shower and listening to the run down from our day.  I mean, how does he do it all?  I am such a lucky woman.  Really.

And just a little picture of Magdalene's pouty lip.  We know where she got that from. 

Happy Valentine's Day!  Hope yours was beautiful.  And that you were able to spend it with the ones you love. 

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1 comment:

  1. So many changes in one year! Wow - my head is spinning with it all :)
