Saturday, October 26, 2013

When Family Comes.

The house is pretty quiet today.  Family has left and finally our little man seems to be on the mend from a pretty goopy cold, after spending most of the week (and now weekend) at home.  We made it outside today and played in the leaves, capturing a few photos of fall before the rains turn those beautiful Jackson Pollack tapestries to brown mush. 

We had a pretty busy, productive week with my family here, but I am lamenting not having taken enough photos.  Our walk today reminded me of a beautiful morning out walking with my parents (golden autumn light streaking through the trees, leaf tossing, frog catching) and a day, I unfortunately forgot my camera!  The iphone just isn't doing it for me these days.... 

Our week was filled with visits with cousins, my grandmother, who was also in town, as well as a several practical around-the-house tasks with a lot of help from my parents--unpacking, sorting, cleaning, errands.  I could never have done it all without them!  But, sadly, not as much exploring or doing "fun" things and I felt a little bit guilty about that, but it was time well spent together, so no regrets.  We did, however, have a lot of fun setting up baby girl, JanBug's room (photos to come soon!) and unpacking and sorting through all of her little adorable pieces of clothing.  Two months to go and I can hardly believe it is coming so quickly, that this little beautiful creature kicking inside of me will soon be a very real every day part of our lives.  Sometimes I just go into her room and sit there, dreaming of what she will be like....  Can't wait to meet you, baby girl!

We did make it out a couple of days, one of which was to see the Distillery District turned boutique/arts community, where we checked out little Canadian-made local art shops like the Distill Gallery and other little boutiques.  A few more years and I can see this becoming a thriving art community much like Vancouver's, Granville Island.  We ate lunch and fed the birds.  Gabriel chased them around trying to feed them and calling them "duck, duck."

And Grammie worked her way into Gabriel's heart this week by teaching him how to make cookies.  He loves to help in the kitchen--adding flour and chocolate chips to the batter and "stirring."  He emerged covered in cookie dough with a mouthful of "chippies."  We had a great week and are looking forward to a few more visits in the coming months.

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