Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Recipe for Rhubarb Punch!

Rhubarb Punch!

This recipe has been in the family for quite awhile, with a few variations.  Here is the one I use most frequently and it's wonderful for things like baby showers where most people are either pregnant, trying to get pregnant or nursing.  Ok, not everyone, but enough to make it worth making something delicious that everyone can enjoy!  I've only made it a few times, but the bowl always gets drained and friends text me for the recipe.  It's pretty simple, really but takes a little time to stew and then cool the rhubarb juice.  I'd do that a day ahead if I were you...

8 cups of chopped rhubarb
8 cups of water
1/4 cup of sugar (give or take - I don't really actually measure it...)
2 L of ginger ale
500 mL of raspberry sorbet

1. In a large soup pot boil the rhubarb in water until soft and mushy.  Pour through a strainer and try to get all of the rhubarb juice out.  Save the juice and throw out the mushy rhubarb or save for another use, like homemade rhubarb spread (but only if you add sugar--very, very tart!)
2. Add approximately 1/4 cup of sugar to sweeten. (Can be more or less, but don't forget you'll be adding sorbet and ginger ale so don't overdo it.  Cool overnight or in the freezer for a couple of hours.
3. When ready to serve, add ginger ale and sorbet and if still too tart add more sugar.

Serve! It's been a party favorite for years!


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