Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The best parts of May.

Sunny days in May were few and far between.  And on the days when there is none, well, you just gotta make your own!  Here are a few of our most beautiful moments from May, brought back to life through the power of photography.  Go!

1.  Backyard/front yard BBQ with friends.  Some of our best times in Squamish are BBQs.  There are some good restaurants in Squamish, but honestly, some of the best food (and the best company, I might add) come from good friends and neighbors. We have so loved seeing many of our friends again!!  

2.  I might further add that I have loved seeing Gabriel get reacquainted with his friends, ones that he barely remembers, and yet, there is a certain spark of familiarity when he sees them again.  I take so much joy from watching them hide in the bushes, chase after each other and play in the sandy beach by our house. 

3. Watching Gabriel discover the house all over again.  I thought I had baby-proofed before leaving for Washington.  Well, apparently not.  Gabriel managed to find, within a matter of hours, everything I had not securely fastened in place.  And at first, it was completely nerve-racking!!  But eventually we figured it out and after he had discovered every new door and every new little crevice of the house, everything calmed down.  What a curious and adventurous little man we have! 

4.  Playing around in the yard.  Our little yard is just a piece of heaven.  Especially when it's sunny.  There are so many little nooks to hide in, and so many flowers, sticks and rocks to explore that Gabriel could be content for hours (and us to, just watching him).  From hiding in the bushes to smelling each of the flowers to splashing in the little bit of water in the tot pool, Gabriel is just happiest here.  And oh my, it is just darling to watch Gabriel bend over to take a sniff of a flower.  It always makes me laugh (which encourages him to do it more!)

 5.  Planting the garden.  Oh, dear.  Our little plot of a veggie garden was a disaster!  It is surely the most successful dandelion factory in Squamish, which is great if you consider dandelions a flower, an edible, a source of healing or of beer.  But sadly, no.  We have since spent many hours and days bringing our plot back to life (thanks to my new roomies and Jordan)  and into what we hope will be a successful source of the freshest of vegetables and fruit.  It remains to be seen, but we remain eternally optimistic!

6.  And the odd neighborhood party.  Don't you just wish we could all still dress like we are still in the 80s?  Gabriel made a wicked DJ, rockin' his jean skinnies, pink punk rock shirt and sweatband.  We had a blast!

So that was May, mostly.  Or what I am choosing to remember.  Not so bad upon reflection, huh?  And now June and a straight week of sunshine.  Hallelujah!

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