Friday, June 14, 2013


We just had the best day we've had in months yesterday!  Everyone happened to miraculously have work off, unexpectedly, and so we decided it would be best spent at the Vancouver Aquarium, a place we've all be aching to go for weeks!

We arrived just in time for the Beluga whale show!  Aurora and baby Qila are such starkly white beautifully creatures and know quite a few tricks.  And of course gave us all a splash or two.  The staff there is exceptionally knowledgeable and very caring.

Amy and Harrison's favorites were the sea otters that were so cute.  They lay back on their backs and snooze in the water holding hands while they sleep, and then upon awakening, do flips and spins in the water playfully.

The dolphins, Hannah and Helen, were by far Gabriel's favorite.  They raced around the arena and jumped in the air sending up a huge splash, to which Gabriel would exclaim with great delight, "Whoa!" over and over again. 

We also went to see the 4D show at the Aquarium about salmon spawning.  The 4D theaters are a lot of fun!  They spray water, make the seats vibrate, blow bubbles and wind at you, and poke you in the back (which is the only one I don't like).  Gabriel wasn't scared at all.  He sat entranced the whole time and only jumped a little when we got sprayed.  He's sooo brave, this kid!

And isn't it just true that indoor aquariums are just so beautiful.  I can't ever get over the beautiful colours and I know Gabriel is equally fascinated.  They just make sure brilliant pictures.

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