Monday, March 23, 2015

Auntie Dr. Rachael Finds Bunnies in our Ears.

So I was talking to my sister the other day on the phone planning our big trip East.  My sister has serious responsibilities as an aunt to these little ones, you know.  So we are planning on how we can have the most fun trip out east ever!

As we were talking, we started reminiscing about times with our aunts and uncles.  It's funny how the simplest moments have stuck in my mind when I think of times I have spent with my relatives growing up.  My aunt picking us up in her hot, red two-door Sunfire sports car, wearing her big oversized sunglasses and driving us to the gas station where she would buy us a chocolate bar.  I remember feeling so cool sitting in the front seat wearing my own pink oversized sunglasses from Biway, with the window rolled all the way down, my hair whipping around my face, the Rankin family blaring over the speakers.

Our trips to the stampede where we ate pancakes, wore our tourist fanny-packs with pride and ourbig cowboy hats.  We yelled "Yahoo!!" at the top of our lungs all the way there.  We were nuts, I tell you.  We didn't care what anyone thought.

I am looking forward to the kids spending time with their aunts and uncles this summer.  I am looking forward to the memories they make with them--the "blanket-wee" rides around the house, the afternoons out in the sailboat, the races and rock throwing contests, the time spent out wandering through the woods.  In the meantime, here are a few pictures from our time with Aunt Rachael, the future Dr. Rachael who snuck a couple of days in with us while she was here in the city.

She delighted Gabriel and Magdalene with her some of her medical equipment, which they used to find "bunnies in her ears" and "a shark in her throat" and watch to see the pupils shrink when a light was shone in her eye.  All very fascinating.  We even pulled out the toy doctor kit for a minute to take blood pressure. 

Thanks Doctor Auntie Rachael, for making a future visits to the doctor a delight (hopefully) and forever solidifying that there are bunnies to be found in ears and sharks when we open our mouths. You are going to make a fabulous Doctor one day!  Thanks for making the "doctor check-up" a fun experience.   See you in the summer!

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