Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Winnipeg Highlights

So......  before we launch into the big wedding that sends sister Rachael into married bliss, let me set the stage for you, and provide further angst for wedding pictures to come.  ;)  As if you haven't been waiting all week for wedding pictures, I know.  I'm sorry!  They are coming. 

So we flew into Winnipeg, full of grassy, prairie land, straight highways and glowing fields, glorious sunsets, AND mosquitoes. But aside from the swarms of mosquitoes, Winnipeg is pretty neat.  We didn't get to hit up all our favorite spots but we did get a few in.  There are some great neighborhoods, like Wolseley with their older homes, flowers right out to the curbs, treed parks and down-to-earth neighbors.  And some neat shopping in Osbourne Village, a beautiful walk and shopping at the Forks.  We've spent time here before, but it was fun to have our Toronto cousins come to Winnipeg for the wedding and show them a little bit of what Winnipeg has to offer.  

Of course, with the littles, we spent a few mornings like this one at "Grandma's House" playing with toys.  We'd crash land at their house around 7:00 in the morning before the house was even awake, and start frying up eggs and making smoothies and playing.  Gabriel and Magdalene would rifle through the old box of toys. Can you believe Grandma kept all of these old vintage toys from when the aunts and uncles were children?  There is nothing quite like those old Fisher Price toys--tables and chairs, tvs and sofas, swings and slides and circus cars.

One of our days we drove north to the rocky beaches of Lake Winnipeg to see more family and had a lazy day of beach combing, rocking throwing, toy playing, and eating.  Maggie got some cuddles in with some of the cousins, Owen and Kya and Gabriel kept Owen busy by chasing after him and copying all his crazy antics--jumping over sofas and trying to do handstands.  It was neat to see his cousin sort of mentor Gabriel.

Of course, we had to stop into local haunt, Stella's for coffee and cinnamon buns.  And I must mention, they serve really really good brunch.  And happen to make jam.  Their raspberry jam is delicious!!  I might just have to ask for that in my stocking for Christmas this year. *Wink, wink!

And of course, you can tell a city for kids by it's waterparks.  And Winnipeg has it's share.  So we just had to take the kids there.  Gabriel just adores his cousin, Elsie and follows after her everywhere.  Apparently, she (three times his age) sometimes pretends she's too old to hang out with him, but really, once they get going, Gabriel wins her over with his charm and makes her squeal and laugh too.  And that's just his way.  He loves to have a good time and if you are ok with that you will do just fine.

I mean, don't we all like to pretend we are grown up?

And what would Winnipeg be without doing a little catfishing???  The siblings all took their dad, newly retired, on a fishing trip up to Selkirk and wowza did they ever catch some big ones!  And can I just say that in some of these pictures, I took a double-take.  Ok, these two are brothers for sure.  That's all I can say.

The day before the wedding, we had a little breakfast with family in honor of Rachael and her fiancé.  It was a beautiful morning and we spent most of the day sitting and chatting with family while the door from the backyard to the kitchen revolved all day with a seemingly endless stream of food.

 Photo Credit: Rebecca Davey
  Photo Credit: Rebecca Davey
Photo Credit: Rebecca Davey

And of course, on our last day, we took our cousins down to the Forks Market for lunch, shopping, walks and ice cream--a great way to spend our last day with family before flying out that evening. 

So wishing I had taken more pictures of the fields...  Oh wait, here are a few, and a little preview to some of the wedding pictures.  "Hey, let's run through the wheat field. Ok, maybe not a good idea."

Well, all the more reason to go back some day!  To get some photos of those gorgeous fields, the clouds and the sunsets!  And maybe run through a field myself.

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