Thursday, December 19, 2013

Our Almost-Two-Year-Old

Oh Gabriel, some days I feel really inspired--you make me laugh and I feel so proud.  And other days are just really hard.  Like, when I have had exactly ZERO sleep that night and I am growing a baby and you are hanging from the rafters, because hey, you slept twelve hours and being crazy is just plain fun.  So it's on those days that I go through the mental list of the things that you are doing right now that keep me smiling.  Well, here is some of that list, although I am sure we could easily add another 100:

1) How you like sticking things in your belly button: cookie pieces, dog food.  I don't know, you seem obsessed with your belly button.  Sometimes I wonder if you think there is a baby in there too and that you need to feed it.  Maybe that's what is going through your brain.

2) The way you giggle when your socks don't match.  Your obsessive need for order from both sides.  So you recognize when things aren't quite right.  At least you have a sense of humour about it.  Or you notice when I am wearing daddy's sweater.  "Dada?" you say yanking at it with a pouty confused frown on your face.  I know, he doesn't think I should wear his sweaters either.  But they are just so comfy. You'll learn that someday too.

3) How you insist that I look better with my hair down.  You might wake up all groggy from a nap but when I pick you up, if my hair is up, you pull at my offending ponytail or bun enthusiastically until it comes out.   I ask you, "Does it look better down?"  You nod your entire upper body vigorously "uh huh."  Well, your father agrees.

4) How you can so aptly scuff across the room in our shoes and slippers (high heels included). In fact, I am certain you walked up the stairs one day in my slippers.  There you were at the top wearing them, looking down at me giggling mischievously. 

5) How you nod with your whole upper body when you get something right.  "Brown?" you ask.  "Yes, brown." I reply.  You nod your head. 

6) How you prefer wearing dress shirts because you can get your arms in them by yourself even if they are backwards, upside down or twisted into a knot. You are so proud.  By the way, the old jean jacket you are sporting is now working really well as a bib since you won't wear one.  But shhhhh...  I didn't tell you that. 

7) How you love to copy us--following us around with your pretend vacuum (your fire truck with ladder adapted to a handle) and move it back and forth across the floor in the vacuuming pattern.  And how you stance when you hold our old Pentax camera, because you know that gets you a better picture.

8) Or when you create the neatest contraptions--a roll of wrapping paper and a vacuum attachment make a vacuum wand that cleans every corner including under the fridge, the bookshelves and between the stove and the counter.

9) The way you pronounce new words.
Me: "Snow"
You: "Neeesh!"  You wrinkle your face and show your teeth.
Me: "'Sssss' like a snake." 
You: "Sssss"
Me: "'No.'  Like No." 
You: "No!"
Me: "SssssNo."
You: "Neeeeeesh!"
And how every word you don't know how to pronounce becomes "dada" by default.
Me: "Orange."
You: "dada."
Me: "Elephant.
You: "dada."
Close enough.

10) How it doesn't take long for you to put two and two together.   After a doctor's visit where they measured my belly, you found a measuring tape from a toy tool kit and did the same.  You pulled up my shirt, stretched the measuring tape across my tummy, leaned back and giggled, then kissed my belly.  Ya, I think you know there is a baby in there.  You are just so smart.  Or how you set up our old camera on the tripod, it balancing perfectly, pressed the button and ran to strike a pose.

Gabriel you keep us laughing.  You have a good sense of humor.  And it's going to keep you out of trouble now isn't it?  I know, oldest trick in the book. ;)

Ps. I'd like to hear your "keeps me laughing" moments too.  Because they are just so full of mischief and creativity at this age, aren't they?

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