Monday, December 16, 2013

A Warm Fuzzy Weekend.

Our weekend was filled with all things festive--a choir performance, a snowstorm, Christmas lights and time spent together.  It was the kind of weekend that leaves you feeling warm, fuzzy and thankful.

Yes, this year I joined the church choir that my aunt directs.  I LOVE to sing.  I sang to Gabriel for hours as an infant and will sing to pretty much anything including commercials. My husband often laughs and says that I think I am the missing member of every band, belting it out to every song on the radio, including ones I don't even know!  So finally after many many years, I found a choir that love and have taken up singing again at least for the Christmas season.  We just sang publicly for the first time this Sunday and, wow, was Gabriel ever delighted!  After our first song, he gave us a standing ovation, clapped his hands and let out the biggest "Whoop!"  I could see and hear him from where I was standing and it was hard to contain the laughter that brought me.

And snow.  There was just something about a weekend like this past one--with the biggest snowstorm of the season (thus far) hit Toronto--that makes you want to embrace the Canadiana of the Great White North and throw on a fur hat, a Canada Goose coat, a pair of Sorels, big mitts, sip hot chocolate and eat poutine after an hour or so of playing in the snow.  And so that is pretty much what we did, minus the fur hats and Sorels.  But I guess I'll be looking at pair.  When you live here where it is as cold and wet as it is, and you spend so much time outdoors, you really need solid warm footwear.

We made it a priority to get down the last day of the Toronto Christmas Market.  (As you recall, we had a quick visit on Friday this week, here but it was just too cold to stay). I was so glad we were able to go because I knew that even though it would be crowded, Jordan would love it!  And he did.  We had "La Vraie Poutine" and took Gabriel on the carousel which he thought was so fantastic that he cried when he had to get off.  He kept making horsey noises.  Oh, and we did a tiny bit of Christmas shopping, but mostly it was just wonderful to walk around outside under the canopy of Christmas lights, hear cheery music and spend time together. 

Is the countdown on?  I feel like all of these days leading up to Christmas are the best and will be sad when it's all over.  But then we have some pretty amazing things to look forward to now, don't we?

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