Saturday, December 7, 2013

Behind the Scenes: Christmas Card Fiasco.

So you know when you really, really just shouldn't do something.  You just have this gut feeling that it's just not going to work out.  Ok, so it's not JUST a gut feeling..... there are ample signs, but you choose to ignore them.   And you go ahead and try to make it happen.  Ya, like the "One of a Kind Show" I took our family to last weekend (the first time).  What could go wrong when you take a toddler to a crowded, extraordinarily busy and not-very-kid-friendly-all-day-indoor-shopping trip?!?!  Right?  And expect them to stay in a stroller all day? (Because they might break something beautiful and expensive if you let them out).  Ya.  It sort of felt like I was on a five hour plane ride....  You want to leave but it's the only day you actually planned to do some serious Christmas shopping and you just can't bear the thought that you made the trip happen to have the day taken away from you.  And you should have hired a sitter.  But you weren't expecting it to go that badly. (Really??)  And then you don't know what to do and you feel like a bad mother for being a tiny bit selfish. 

Or a Christmas card photo shoot: On a day Gabriel had a short nap, had yogurt in his hair, and because it rained all day, he was hyped up on "I've been stuck inside all day" energy, the dog hadn't really been walked and I was having a literal bad-hair-day.  Still, we tried to make it happen.  It didn't really work out well and half-way through the camera stopped focusing properly and the evening ended in a "Fine, I'm buying stupid-lame-Christmas cards this year" rant.  Seriously, we had nothing usable.  And that's not just being a perfectionist.  BUT, as I look back on some of those photos, they were actually pretty funny.  Here are just a few.  Top one, "I just realized the camera stopped focusing properly." (Which you might just get in the mail this year if we can't get our act together this weekend).

Us trying to get Abe to sit still by balancing a treat on his nose. Will everyone just sit still for a second?!?!!?

"I don't want to take a picture.  I don't want to be in the teepee.  Or wear this sweater.  Or anything."

And my all-time favorite "Stance" of Gabriel taking a picture of the Christmas banner with our old Pentax camera.  He loves to crouch down to get a good shot.  Wonder where he learned that?  Here's to hoping something turns out and you all get lovely Christmas cards.  If not, you are getting the top one or silly ones with penguins skating all over the front.

Happy December!

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