Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Christmas Two Years Ago....

The first few flakes of winter hit our yard and the city of Toronto this weekend and we are not sure how long they will stay.  But after almost 10 years of living somewhere that doesn't have really snowy winters starting in November, it was a tiny bit magical.  We spent the weekend quietly at home watching the flurries cavort around the yard in the strong winds and then pool at the edges of fences and sidewalks.  We hibernated.  Reading, baking, cooking and catching up on sleep after finishing our third round of colds (and starting what looks like a fourth.  Sigh).  But it was nice to be still.

And it meant that I spent a little bit of time looking through some old pictures from a couple of years ago.  I found a few gems from pre-Christmas two years ago when I was pregnant with Gabriel and although I am, with great discipline holding off on doing any Christmas decorating before December first, just thought I would share a few in festive spirit.

Winter two years ago, we were graced with a few mornings of shimmering hoar-frost on the trees, grasses and mosses along the beach by the river close to our house in BC where we would walk the dog.  And if you got up early enough, you could catch the sunlight shimmering through the iced branches in glistening beads of light.  We spent a few mornings down there by the beach with Jordan throwing rocks and blocks of ice across frozen pools of water where they would ricochet and shatter the thin layer ice sending a reverberation of loud springy echoes in the valley.  They could have happily done this for hours.

I remember getting so excited for Christmas that year, knowing that merely a year from then, our baby (who we were yet to meet) would be almost one and crawling around indiscriminately tearing open presents.  But that didn't stop us from picking up a few presents for baby-to-be!  This was to be our last "quiet" Christmas for a long time and we were excited about the upcoming changes. 

Now, two years later, I find myself in the almost the same situation--holding a little life within me once again: A beautiful present from above, arriving just shortly after Christmas.

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