We have a ton of photos from our week at the various cottages in the Kawarthas. It was hard narrowing them down, but I have a few more from our weekend spent with good friends, Annie and Ashleigh and their two little girls. Here are a few more photos capturing some favorite moments.
While at the cottage, we took a trip up to a park with waterfalls. It was a bit of a drive and a hike in with three kids, a cooler of food, the dog and my preggo belly, but the scenery was worth it, as always. This was the epitome of our weekend with friends. Look at Gabriel in the background watching Fiona while she stands on the rock. Wheels turning, wheels turning... No word of a lie, Gabriel stood on that same rock for five minutes. There was nothing I could do to make him move.
And we'll call these our portrait sessions.... And isn't it fun getting them coordinated with kids?!? I had to laugh when I saw the one above. Fiona has soooo much curly hair and Annie said they forgot her barrettes, so her curls were in her face all weekend. Not that she seemed to mind.
This kid cracks me up. He's just like his father--impossible to get a smile out of on camera. Oh, yes, Gabriel, we know you are so serious. But he's got the pose all ready.
Daddies know how to find all the cool stuff--like crayfish.
Gabriel is OBSESSED with babies right now. He wants to hold them, hug them, touch them, poke their eyes, kiss them. He even was quite taken by Fiona's dolls. And infatuated with baby Eleanor. We told him he could kiss her and touch her toes so as keep safety our top concern. Here he is doing both. (We were at the market the other day and went up to a little girl--maybe still a baby and touched her toes and tried to kiss her). Oh Gabriel! You are just the sweetest!
The morning routine at the cottage was that after breakfast, the daddies took the kids and Abe for a nice looooooonnnng walk. The kids got to share holding the leash. This allowed us to clean-up, put our feet up and talk without breaking up a squabble, a tantrum or stop someone from getting hurt. Oh, the bliss of being able to have a conversation longer than 30 seconds. :)
And storytime altogether in mama and daddy's bed. One night there was a thunderstorm and Abe was scared, so even he got to join us on the bed (not something we typically allow). Poor Abe! It was a loud one too. Poor Abe!

Annie's s'mores! No campfire needed--for the tired parents and the wet weather. AND you can optimize your time by doing many at the same time. She's brilliant, this woman!
We are so thankful for our friends Annie and Ashleigh, and their little ones for taking off the weekend to have us up to their cottage while we waited for our place to be ready for us. And looking forward to many more summers up there with them on the lake--boating, eating ice-cream, going for walks, sharing meals and just having a good time!
So long cottage country!! See you next year!
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