Monday, July 22, 2013

Our weekend :)

Hope you all had a great weekend!!  As always when husband gets home, life just gets a little bit easier and a whole lot better!  Had a fantastic weekend with him home.  In between the craziness of listing our house and finishing off mini renovations and cleaning, we ended up filling our weekend quite nicely with spontaneous adventures, including biking and impromptu BBQing and many dinners at home--great for Jordan who has been living in hotels and eating out every day for three months straight...

On Sunday, hit up the Squamish trails for a little cross-country biking with Gabriel on the back and Abe in tow.  Pregnancy in Squamish doesn't mean a mama-to-be puts her feet up for nine months.  Oh, no, not here.  We go hiking, climbing and trail riding for sure, just nothing too strenuous and nothing "new."  Squamish mamas and mamas-to-be are the fittest in the country, hands down.  I don't happen to necessarily count myself in that, but I did have a good time!  And so did Gabriel, who bounced along behind me, whooping "Bump! Bump! Bump!" as we gently bounced over roots and rocks on the trail.  And Abe came bounding after us, ears straight back, ear to ear grin and his two foot long tongue hanging out the side.  Boy, is he ever happy when dad comes home!  And a little note about trail riding.  So amazing here!  The woods are a good 10 degrees cooler and in the hotter weather we've been having, Abe couldn't be happier!

Check out the moss on those trees!!  One of my favorite parts of biking these trails.

My sidekick--the G-man, had a great time, and just wanted more bumps!

Happy, happy tired dog!

Jordan is way, way cooler than me, and G loves it!  Dad can do tricks.  Sadly, I am one of those lame moms who can't do any tricks...  I'll come along for the ride, but I'm not into getting hurt. So it's dad who's going to be teaching Gabriel all these things and I'll just be on the sidelines praying no one breaks anything.

Apparently high fives are still the coolest thing around!  They never get old.  You want to be a toddler's best friend, give him/her a high five.  Hugs are good too, but not everyone is into them right away.  High fives are an automatic in.

After dinner, we treated ourselves to icecream at the Gelato Carina.  I still think they have the best icecream in town. 

Making the most of the weekend, we walked along our favorite trail down by the Sound--Nexen Beach.  Gabriel amazed us and walked all the way there, and almost at pace.  This kid is growing up!!  By the time JanBug gets here, he won't even need the stroller, just a skateboard attachment! 

The tide was out, so we walked the beach, getting our shoes all wet and admired the waves, the mountains and a ship loading up for it's journey across the ocean. 

These are our few weekends left here and we are making the most of them!

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