Sunday, January 10, 2016

Birthday Girl and her Big Brother

Happy January!!! Christmas is over and birthday season is upon us. In a few days, it will have been two years ago that we were blessed with this beautiful, sweet and sassy little darling who totally rocked all of our worlds. Not just mama and daddy, but even big brother Gabriel. She has left an impression on everyone she meets. We love you Magdalene!

I have to say that right now I am loving this stage with Gabriel and Magdalene--almost 2 and almost 4.  When we wanted to have two children, we wanted to have them close together and almost exactly two years apart was perfect for us.  Man, it's been a heck of a busy time with two little ones close together in age--both in diapers for awhile, both not sleeping through the night.  Lots of energy, lots of needs.  But it has been 100% worth it to see them now.

These two littles are best friends--really and truly.  They love to play together.  This Christmas, Gabriel helped pick out toys that Maggie would play with when they play together.  Paw Patrol--he wanted Marshall and for her, he picked Skye.  For Thomas the train, he wanted Henry, and picked out Emily for her.  They follow each other around always looking for each other as playmates. 

And they are co-conspirators in trouble-making already!!  The other morning they were downstairs having "tea" together.  While they played happily, I went upstairs for a bit.  Before I knew it, the little giggles escalated into high-pitched laughter and shrieks of glee.  I came downstairs to find the tea table drenched in water, the floor around them covered in water, two piles of sopping wet clothes and two little naked children running around delightfully.  I found it hard to be mad.  Honestly.  I had to hide my smile and pretend to be mad, or you know that we would be in trouble for sure.

The other day at the lunch table, I turned my back for a minute and when I returned, both were covered in hummus up to their elbows...  And tonight in the tub they spurred each other on continually, filling their mouths full of bath water--ewwwwww!--and spraying each other in the face with it.  Laughing and laughing the whole time.  And while we had to clean up the messes and reprimand them, I had to share these moments with Jordan.  My heart is full.  What would they do without each other?  What would we do without them? 

"...If not for your smile and your laugh and your heart,
this place we call home would be minus a part.
Thank goodness you're here!
Thank goodness times two!
I just can't imagine a world without you."

-Nancy Tillman "You're Here for a Reason"

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