Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Our little gymnists!

When I heard that some of the mamas in our group had signed up for gymnastics this winter, I thought, "YES!!!!!!!"  I was running toward the computer to sign him up.  It was exactly what he needs.  He has 100% LOVED it since the first day--running around, skill-building, discipline. 

I was amazed to see him focus on flowing through movements with a clear beginning and end--arms up in the air straight, ending with a pose.  I love how it challenged him to be focused and pay attention to the details of his body moving in space.  'Cause we all know that that body sure does move through space at rapid speed!  There were so many skills I saw him accomplish that I never even would have thought of to do with him.  Which is why is it so great to have professionals working with our kids.

Meanwhile, on the side-lines, my little fire-cracker of a girl was the entertain for us mamas!  We had every intention of chatting on the bleachers, sipping our coffees while our little ones had fun.  I should have put HER in gymnastics.  She was doing laps of the bleachers, watching them like a balance beam, deeking in and out of change rooms leaving a trail of cheerios and cookies behind her.  I laugh because I've always thought of Gabriel as our wild child.  But sure enough, this girl is busy, busy, busy and in clear competition with her big brother to keeping her parents in top shape chasing after her.

So, it looks like gymnastics will be in our future!  For at least one of our children, if not both!  (And for many of our friends).  So proud of our little guy and all his friends for all the new skills they learned this spring!

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