Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the lovely mothers out there who I am privileged to know--those of you who share your own joys, proud moments and strifes. Sharing in this common experience of being a mother is a powerful thing.  You are an incredible source of support, wisdom and comedic relief.  Being part of that club--locally and virtually--is, without a doubt, essential to making it through a day.

A little thank you to the fathers out there who likely went to the store to help pick out cards or flowers, or maybe it was just that extra nudge or reminder to give a phone call.  Maybe they helped their children make a craft or a hand print or made breakfast.  Whatever you did, however you nudged our children today, thank you for having them pause just for a moment to thank their mommies for all the hard work they do.  It's one of those simple gestures, that thoughtfulness, that means so much.

And to my own mother, who is always a phone call away, to assuage the panic, give perspective, problem solve, and share stories and moments of pride, thank you for all that you do.  You are a constant source of love and support.  Without strong mothers like you... well, we would likely be naked, drooling, malnourished Neanderthals.   So thank you for instilling in us good strong morals, manners, faith and a sense of compassion.   Thank for you for all the late nights up with us, the poop you cleaned off the walls and crib, and sheets, the pee scrubbed out of the carpet, the veggies you disguised in spaghetti sauce, the times you held your tongue, the times you redirected, admonished us.  The times you patiently taught us to cook meals even if it made your kitchen a disaster.  The times you didn't get made when our creative messes reached new heights and you found layers of flour all over the bedroom furniture from a re-creation of an old dust-filled library......  There are so many times, countless, countless times, countless words and actions that helped shape us into who we are today.  Thank you.

Happy Mother's Day.

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