Monday, February 11, 2013

In Anna Maria, we clap for the Sun

Sunset in Anna Maria is a celebrated event.  It happens around supper at this time of year and quite a challenge to get out the door on time.  But if you can it's worth it.  Apparently all of the beach walkers stop, gaze in unison and then clap for the sun as it disappears before heading home for supper.  Tonight we missed it and we were alerted upon our near arrival at the beach by a cyclist passing by, "You MISSED the sunset!"  But we so much enjoyed our little frolic on the beach with dear friends Annie and Ashleigh with the babes in tow.  The remaining light was gorgeous and precious as we soaked in whatever light we had left before returning home for the evening.  



  1. awww wish we could have joined you guys ! looks amazing there!!

    1. That would have been so fun! We are definitely thinking of you! We hear you have a trip coming up without the babes. Awesome! Enjoy! We have been loving Anna Maria. We'll have to plan a double house trip with all four gangs now! :P

    2. We do too Gill!! There definitely would have been room, we have barely ventured into half of this house.

  2. All 4 of our families next winter!!
