Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Surprise of Snow

Since being in Virginia, we have been fortunate to avoid any real cold weather, you know, Canadian cold.  It's been a balmy 10 degrees Celsius (I know, you have the right to call me names now) mostly around here with the odd day reaching single digits. But with the "cold snap" it's been particularly chilly.  And this morning, we woke to the delight of snow and sunshine! Gotta say that I'm kicking myself now for not getting that snowsuit for Gabriel... but winters here are usually just too warm and not snowy.

We hit the trails for our early morning walk along the river to discover we had this stunning pristine white world almost completely to ourselves (and another lover of photography who snapped a few photos of us too!)  Not to be selfish, we had to share the beauty of this quiet walk. 


  1. Looks very pretty! I wish it was as pretty here...would make -30 Celcius and my car not starting much more bearable :)

    1. Ugh Annie. I don't know how I'd ever survive.... Virginia is spoiling me.
