Monday, December 28, 2015

Bonjourno Firenze!


Bonjourno Firenze!  We absolutely loved our time in Rome, but were happy to arrive in Florence a couple of days ago.  Between closing up the flat in Rome and some train rescheduling issues, tracking down new our place, meeting the contact in Florence, and making sure the heat and hot water were working for us it was an all day event.  We are warm and settled and have a small fridge stocked for the remainder of our short stay in Florence.  

The city is, in many ways, what I remember it to be.  But memory distorts reality and, in our heads, places weren't in the exact same places and we discovered very quickly new sections to the city we didn't even know existed.  This time, rather than staying right downtown, we opted to stay in the "less touristy" area of Florence up on the hill and pretend we were locals by shopping at the supermarket, making some of our own meals and practicing our very limited Italian.  Earl and Derek (who both seem to be well acquainted with the language) have been helping us out quite a bit.  As aside, I would like to say that I have perfected my Italian accent with the very few Italian words that I do know! 

It is quite a bit cooler in Florence and I am sort of wishing I had brought my winter jacket, mitts and hats for both of the children.  But we are making due with blankets and layers and layers of clothing.  The evenings are incredibly damp and so we've opted to stay inside rather than make ourselves any more sick by venturing out in the cold, which is too bad, because cities are truly gorgeous in the dark, I think. 


Traveling with grandparents is the best!!!  So happy for the company and the extra hands to help and give us relief, especially with two sick little people, many broken nights and heaps of laundry.

We have been fully enjoying it during the daytime, walking around with the littles asleep in the stroller or in our arms for hours.  Yesterday we spent most of our day on the famous Ponte Vecchio, a bridge spanning the river with shops on either side all the way along (see the first/top picture), the Piazza Uffuzi where a replica of the well-known "David" stands and the market and piazzas around the gargantuan Duomo--one of the largest, most architecturally unique and memorable churches I have ever seen.  Jordan and I remember literally almost walking flat into the backside of the Duomo as we came around a corner in the dark of midnight on our way back to the hotel 10 years ago.  We were vastly impressed with it then and were again yesterday.

With babies asleep, we had some pizza outside on the square with the Duomo in the background.  A little date between the two of us, we might say.

Proof that Maggie did come with us, although she slept most of the day in the stroller.

Outside a Ferrari store, looking at toy Ferraris.

More adventures today as we continue to explore this beautiful city.  It really is incredibly busy and I would even venture to say it was busier yesterday than it was in the summer when we were here last!

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