We have finally arrived in Prince Edward Island after 2600 km and 31 hours in the car and one ferry ride from NS. And although a lot has happened here, I thought I would skip right ahead to the awesome beach day we had yesterday.
When I am traveling I would absolutely love to see everyone from my childhood and have amazing visits, but realistically I know that not only would it be exhausting to spend all my vacation time hopping from house to house catching up. But it would be impossible. There are just too many people to see!!
That's why yesterday was fantastic! My sister and I set up a day to go to Covehead beach (one of the very few hot days that PEI has actually had this summer) with a plan to go with my friend, Leah and her family. We totally lucked out that two other friends met up with us there--friends who we connected with or heard we were in town and popped over to the beach for a visit! (Altogether we had eighteen people!) So it was sort of like a beach reunion! We spent the WHOLE day at the beach in the surf and the sand, building and demolishing sand castles, snacking, climbing on the rocks and lounging. The water was shallow too so it was perfect for the littles. And the children were amazing--amusing themselves by playing in the sand or on the rocks or wading in the water for hours and hours without a grumble between them from mid-morning to late, late afternoon.
Dawn and her brood of FIVE children showed up. This woman is amazing!! And look at her. I mean, really, five kids? You'd never know!
Kathleen and her two babes. So glad we've kept in touch!! Such good people here. And although we love Toronto and have made some fabulous friends there, a small little part of me would love to raise my children here too.....
Matt and I, in true competitive fashion started out making the biggest, best sand castle ever. But I mean, come on, we all know that the best part of building a sand castle is the demolition. And it was going to happen anyway, so we all went for it!!
Maggie is talking in full sentences now, adding to her repetoire of sophisicated words like "Delicious!" She now says with appropriate intonation: "What happened?" "See you later!!" and our all time favorite so far is when she takes your face in her sweaty little hands and squeezes it, "You're SO cute!" she says. Gosh, this girl is the most adorable (and fiesty) little girl I ever laid eyes on.
After the weather PEI has had, we felt pretty lucky to score such a nice day at the beach! It looks like a lot of rain in the future here this week so this may be the only one we get but we were loving every moment.
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