Saturday, August 1, 2015

A Walk on the Ocean Floor at Hopewell Rocks: GECA Part 5

Being on the road with the littles has been of an amazing adventure.  I won't lie and say that it hasn't been really tough at times.  Like when you are two hours from a destination and the kids are already screaming.  Or when we get places and everyone is wild with energy, overtired, talking back and being difficult.  There have definitely been days that I have counted the moment until bedtime or times when I have counted the days until Jordan can join us and relieve me of being the sole parent.  But seeing the East Coast and old familiar haunts through their eyes is worth every moment.  And I am not regretting anything (yet).

Other than meeting old friends along the way, which has been an absolute highlight, we have loved seeing the scenery as we drive through each area.  One of the top places I HAD to stop in and see on our New Brunswick segment was a place that I will always recommend to anyone traveling to or through the East Coast--the Hopewell Rocks.

The Bay of Fundy is known for its incredibly high tides--tides swell and drop up to 40 ft in a day, sometimes leaving unknowing people stranded and caught up in the waves.  But if you are educated, those same tides are beautiful to bare witness too.  Here at the Hopewell Rocks, the water rises to the tops of these giant rocks (called flower pots) making them appear to be islands, then drop all the way down exposing the sea floor and mudflats stretching out for several hundred meters.  The rocks are tall and weather-beaten and the water has beaten tunnels through where people can walk at low tide.   It is hands-down one of my favorite places in NB.

We were lucky to catch up with a very good friend and her little people there for the day. 

The kids loved it and couldn't resist getting completely mucky.  Later we crashed for the evening and overnight at her mother's place before carrying on.  We felt so lucky have this time with them because we know that they will be moving.  Although, closer to us!!  And we were happy that despite the age difference, they really got on well and played nicely.  Laura's children really are the sweetest children.

Thanks for making the time to spend with us, providing a place to crash and for joining us in one of our favorite spots!! 


From Us in Hopewell Rocks

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