Monday, November 12, 2012

Hurricane Gabriel

So, it's been a little while since I've done any writing.  And this might be why, well, partly.

Since learning to crawl, Gabriel's world has expanded significantly.  I've tied down or removed every annoying or dangerous thing possible and have tried to leave anything safe (even if it is prone to mischievousness) available for him.  The house is as baby-proofed as possible but I still cannot unload the dishwasher or get and and out of the fridge without removing and placing Gabriel out of the way no less than 100 times.  In addition to that, I've had to find a new place for Abe's dog dishes....  the downstairs bathroom where I can close the door and provide limited, chaperoned or off-hours access during nap times for Abe.  (Otherwise the floor becomes a swimming pool).

I have also had to tape down the heating vent covers in place with double-sided tape so Gabriel doesn't throw stuff down the pipes or fall into the crevices and hurt himself.   We've rubberized the fireplace mantle with foam that he loves to pull off and chew.  You'd think we had no toys for this kid!  Truth is, some of his favorite "toys" are either Abe, Abe's toys, kitchen gear or the stroller that he likes to push around the kitchen.  He barely notices his own toys.

Abe is his favorite source of entertainment these days. He loves to "pet" him by sinking in his grubby, sweaty little fingers deep into Abe's fur, wrap them around the follicles of hair and grin with delight.  Poor Abe.  He's a puppy saint.  But the two have become best friends--Gabriel gives Abe his toy and then loves to get pulled around the house while hanging on.  He also feeds Abe constantly and likes to hold the end of the wooden spoon for him to chew on! Agad.  But it's all entertaining.

Needless to say, after four hours of antics and high-speed one-handed skateboard-surfing with the xylophone on wheels, leaving behind the remnants of a disaster we amicably call Hurricane Gabriel (toys, kitchen wear, recycling, food, books, and various other paraphernalia,) Jordan and I zoned out while eating supper in front of the TV in silence on Sunday night.  We had laughed ourselves silly at the whole charade; we were zonked. And he's only crawling!

Jordan is away on a business trip part of this week and my parents arrive for a couple of weeks tomorrow.   Good thing my parents are young.  Hopefully he doesn't wear them out.


  1. Stephanie, you are making me relived all those magical and sweet moments. Aren't little people relentlessly reckless???
    Take care beautiful talented maman!

    1. Marie? Yes, relentless is a fact. He is an unstoppable force. Ha! Miss you!

  2. Hahahhaha, I laughed out loud as I read this blog, he's a RASCAL!
    Auntie Angie

  3. Did I mention he slept 17 hours yesterday. I've lost 4 lbs. Ha.
