Saturday, January 16, 2016

Happy Birthday Maggie!!

Today we had a beautiful birthday party for our sweet and sassy little Maggie who just turned 2!!  I am not entirely sure how she suddenly became 2 before my very eyes but we are crazy in love with her.  Anytime she does something really sweet and cute, Jordan's eyes meet mine and we quietly melt over whatever adorable thing she has just done--we stifle a quiet "awwwwwwww."  She is the sugar in the family to be sure.

Ps.  That is Maggie trying to eat the cake with her mouth...  She is such a rascal too.

We decided this year to have a party just for her.  When she turned one, we did a quiet family party, but now she has friends and opinions about things--like she loves doggies and the colour pink and she really wanted to wear her party dress--so we were happy to put together a party to celebrate.

The only person more excited than Maggie, was Gabriel who couldn't wait for balloons and cake and for his friends to come over too, since they share many of the same friends right now or many of Maggie's friends have older siblings.

Last night I had to pop out to pick up balloons...  For some reason it didn't even occur to me that I would have to fit all of the balloons in our small station wagon.  I was a little worried when I tried to get them in the car in the pouring rain....  It took a little bit of fancy maneuvering to fit in all the balloons, but eventually I was able to find a way to get them all to fit.  Sometimes... I am just a little over the top.  But balloons are my FAVORITE thing about parties.  And as you can see, everyone wanted a balloon and it caused hours of fun as they ran and ran and ran around the house with balloons, shrieking and laughing.

Puppy wanted some spaghetti too.

What?  Just chillin'!

Doggie cake!!!!!!!   

Big brother Gabriel has the honors of opening the presents for his little sister.  She actually doesn't protest even a little bit.  It's like her lot in life to have her brother do everything for her I guess.  Ohhhh... and she loved that Ken doll! 

I felt pretty lucky today to have such wonderful friends to come over and celebrate with us.  The kiddos and us are really really blessed to have such kind and warm people in our lives.  Anyone who meets them says so too--you guys are the best!

Thanks cousin Ginger for capturing some funny and precious moments with the kiddos today!  You are so talented! xo

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