One of my favorite things about going home to New Brunswick and my parents' home is looking around to see how much things have changed (or haven't). As I pulled off the long stretch of highway between Quebec and the my parents' home, I remarked how familiar every turn was. Despite living away for 10 years, nearly every landmark was almost exactly the same. Some trees had grown taller, a few new buildings here and there. But, not being subject to any sort of economic boom, like many other cities in this province, it has remained as familiar and comfortable as a pair of old leather shoes as I drove through town and into the countryside where my parents live.
Here, much to my delight, was the crux of the changes--new paint on the siding (finally!!!), trees cleared (through massive windstorms mostly) or grown from seedlings to huge sources of shade for the house, rooms updated and long-anticipated renovations done. The old playhouse was restored for the grandchildren and the tractor rumbling, ready for rides around the yard. Is there anything quite like taking your children to visit the home of your childhood?
After four days of driving (roughly 21 hours in the car) and 1800 kilometers behind us, we were ready to settle in for more than a night. Bumpa and Nanna kept the kids occupied with tractor rides, big airplanes launched with a fishing rod and fishing line, a zipline for my brother's old batman toys--one that stretched down to the playhouse, and baskets full of toys. It was fun digging through all those retro toys my mother saved.

And just like any Saturday when I lived in New Brunswick, we had to stop into the market, if not for locally grown goodies or crafty purchases, then just to see who we might run into from High School.
I was happy to see that the market was alive and thriving--filled with other people our age and their young children (even if I, strangely, didn't really recognize anyone).
Time with Bumpa and Nanna were the highlight of the trip. Here is a play-by-play of the airplane on a fishing rod. Amazing to see in person.
Building garages for cars in the rock wall.
Great-Grammie came to visit us. Thank you for coming up to see the little ones!! I often think of you when I write blogs because I know you enjoy seeing pictures of the littles so much. And today, here you are, on the blog!!
Two highlights for the trip for me, were a day trip to Saint John so my little ones could meet and spend time with their Great Aunt Julie and cousins and so I could spend time with this family--friends from my childhood.
The other highlight was some much-needed, long-overdue time with my brother and his wife (below). They are so beautiful and so in love. It was so great hanging out with them for an evening.
And we are off again already on parts 5 and 6 of our travels! Keep tuned in! :)
From us in New Brunswick